Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Indigo Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
Eminem made this song called beautiful. He speaks on the issue of not letting anyone tell you that you are not beautiful or special.(In his own way of course) But if you listen closely to the words of the song you can learn something.

Stay Indigo!!!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's
Growing up as a kid I can honestly say that I had a great time and didn’t have to deal with too much adversity. My parents were great, my dad had a great job and my mom was at home with all of us every day.  A stay at home moms today is a very rare thing, but when I was coming up, it was more of the norm. It wasn’t until I hit early adulthood that things started to get a bit crazy, most of it, due to my health situation.  After being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, things started to get a little scary and I began to deal with things that I never imagined.  Not only that, but they were things that I never even had to see my parents deal with, so I was pretty frustrated with dealing with them.  I can remember in one year, I lost my income completely, had a heart attack, several seizures and a stroke, and this was after my Mom and Dad passes away.  Of course I had an incredible wife to see me through all of this, but it was still tough to deal with for both of us.  Things are much better now, and even though the doctors told me I would never make it more than six months obviously I did.  Not only that, but we started our own businesses and are now able to make our own schedules in order to deal with our unique life style.  While we can’t live our lives like everyone else these days we can live and we love every moment of it.  Going through what we went through gave us a new outlook on life and forced us to see the alternatives that life offers instead of focusing on the road blocks that might come up. When we try to do something and it doesn’t work out the way we want, we don’t stop or say that it was a failure we alter our strategy and still come up with the result we were looking for in the first place.  Who cares if you can’t take Main St. to the playground, if 1st. will get you there, just take that.  We joke around now and say that there is no such thing as a negative situation, only lessons learned, a person is not fat they just have a lot of relaxed muscle.  You’re not dumb, you just have a lot to learn, and of course that person is not ugly they just have a unique beauty.  I can go on for days with this but while we are joking we are serious at the same time. You have to train your mind to work this way, and once you do, it seems that the world just opens up to you. Decisions become much easier to make, and the result is no longer something to obsess over, because you know that whatever it is, it’s supposed to be, and you will make it work.  
Stay Indigo!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

We are not alone

Hey Indigo's,
                   For years now scientist have been studying the phenomenon of other dimensions and how we can use and/or experience them.  Many people still resist the idea of anything existing in the universe other than us but I get the feeling that it won't be too long before the world will be witness to proof that there are other dimensions that have other life forms that not only co-exist with us now but have been for as long as we can go back in history to research. In fact much of the new technology that we enjoy today is said to be technology given to the government by these extra dimensional beings. Did you know that fiber optics was actually in existence in in the early 1900's. The government was working with it long before we as the public were told that it was discovered. Legend has it that this technology was given to us by extra dimensional beings that we were in contact with. Now of course I was not there to say what happened either way but, just think about all that confusion about our landing on the moon for the first time. Did it happen didn't it happen, who knows Louis Armstrong seemed to have a story he wanted to tell but it never happened. I'm saying this to say that things aren't always as they seem. I'm not saying whether thats good or bad, but it just is. You will be amazed how rewarding it is to do your own research on certain topics and not just accept what is spoon fed to us. I call it closing both eyes and leaving one open. You know, kind of reading between the lines. You will learn much more by not only listening to what people say but paying attension t what they don't say.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mid Week Mix

            A big part of being an Indigo is doing whatever you do on the highest level possible. Eminem, no matter how controversial he has been in the past, is one of the greatest minds in all of Hip Hop.  He pulls from his own experiences and I think that's why he has has so many that love him and hate him.  I also think that is why he he is the greatest. He tells his truth no matter how pretty or ugly it is.  And people respect that or they hate it. I respect and love it. If he could look at himself no matter what it is and say here I am, then anyone can and everyone should. Because like he says in this song don't let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful, because you are.

Stay Indigo!!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  I learned something long ago that might have cut my stress almost in half. Have you ever had a friend, co-worker, or even family member who all of a sudden seemed to fall out of your life. That used to bother me to no end, leaving me wondering if it was something I did.  But instead of pointing all of the blame to my self I should have realized that this happens to everyone.  Like everything else in the universe people have a certain vibration or frequency that we function on. When we hit it off with someone and become very close with them, that's because in some way we are on the same frequency as them and can relate easily.  Kind of like when you are listening to the radio, (analog of course as I show my age) and sometimes you might be a spot that just doesn't get good reception. So we would move the antenna around, lift on leg in the air, and try to anything we could to get better reception to hear it better. Well that's what people often do, we break our own rules of engagement, overlook things that should be addressed. We do whatever we have to do just to try to fit a square peg in a round hole.  But the reality is that people change constantly as they must because anything that is not changing is dead.  And while we do have control of how our frequency changes most people just wait for an outside source to come along and change them. Unfortunately if your not careful what will change you will be the experience of being a doormat for people in life who are go getters and manipulators.  So when someone just falls out of your life without a trace don't blame them, don't get upset, and definitely don't say that you are not the one who changed. Because if you are still alive chances are you did change, and that's OK.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's Light

"There is only one way to learn, It's through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                  This is what we are all about, creating our own reality. We are only limited by the restraints we put on ourselves, or the ones we allow others to put on us.
Stay Indigo!!!!!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                   One thing I've struggled with for most of my life is the concept of "Good and Bad".  As a child we are taught what is good and what is bad but as we get older those lines some how start to blur in a strange way. We concentrate on not making mistakes so much that we forget that mistakes are a large part of a learning process.  For example we are told as a child not to touch the stove because it is hot, but of course most of us touch it anyway. Was it wrong not to listen to our parents, I guess so, but did we learn something when we were burned?....Yes. Not listening to that command taught us a very important lesson, "The stove is hot". That was a lesson that we most likely will remember for the rest of our lives, and I can't really find the negative in that, unless of course the burn was life threatening or something.  Now, as I go through life I realize that people will do things that I just don't like. And I don't have to like it, but because I know that it is a part of the other persons learning process it takes the sting out of what ever was done. In other words when someone pisses me off I just try to remember that they are going through their process and I don't have to let it ruin my day. It might not even be about me so it's best to just back up get away and let them "Go through their process". This way we don't have to be burned by the hot stove that they touched.

Stay Indigo!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today's Light

"To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach."
Havelock Ellis

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
Sometimes it seems like as an Indigo people will work against us, and say we are going agianst the grain. It's important to keep going and know that we are stronger than others will ever understand.  NOTHING WILL BREAK OUR STRIDE!

Stay Indigo!!!!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today's Light

"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Diary Of An Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  Ever since my awakening I have noticed how connected we all are to the universe and everything in it. We are all energy and wave lengths, therefore we are effected by the energy field of the people we have around us.  I just recently had a situation where someone who I considered a friend was attaching me to a situation he was in, that I didn't agree with.  Since he's a grown man I couldn't tell him what to do, but I did notice that my energy was thrown off and changed because of this.  I noticed that something was different about me and I found myself having to cleanse mentally/Spiritually after talking to him or even thinking about the situation. It was like I had to reset, to get back to the inner peace I have achieved every time I dealt with him. He'snot a bad person but the truth of the matter is that what he is doing is effecting me and I had to find a way to deal with if.  It's a beautiful thing when you become in tune with the universe but it is still a big responsibility. I'm still working through how to remain friends with him without judging him or completely dropping him as a friend, but I am glad I was able to see what was happening so I could deal with it. But the fact remains, that our energy is who we are, and we must protect it al all cost, because remember our vibration determines our reality and that is our responsibility.

Stay Indigo!!!!!