Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Indigo Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
Eminem made this song called beautiful. He speaks on the issue of not letting anyone tell you that you are not beautiful or special.(In his own way of course) But if you listen closely to the words of the song you can learn something.

Stay Indigo!!!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's
Growing up as a kid I can honestly say that I had a great time and didn’t have to deal with too much adversity. My parents were great, my dad had a great job and my mom was at home with all of us every day.  A stay at home moms today is a very rare thing, but when I was coming up, it was more of the norm. It wasn’t until I hit early adulthood that things started to get a bit crazy, most of it, due to my health situation.  After being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, things started to get a little scary and I began to deal with things that I never imagined.  Not only that, but they were things that I never even had to see my parents deal with, so I was pretty frustrated with dealing with them.  I can remember in one year, I lost my income completely, had a heart attack, several seizures and a stroke, and this was after my Mom and Dad passes away.  Of course I had an incredible wife to see me through all of this, but it was still tough to deal with for both of us.  Things are much better now, and even though the doctors told me I would never make it more than six months obviously I did.  Not only that, but we started our own businesses and are now able to make our own schedules in order to deal with our unique life style.  While we can’t live our lives like everyone else these days we can live and we love every moment of it.  Going through what we went through gave us a new outlook on life and forced us to see the alternatives that life offers instead of focusing on the road blocks that might come up. When we try to do something and it doesn’t work out the way we want, we don’t stop or say that it was a failure we alter our strategy and still come up with the result we were looking for in the first place.  Who cares if you can’t take Main St. to the playground, if 1st. will get you there, just take that.  We joke around now and say that there is no such thing as a negative situation, only lessons learned, a person is not fat they just have a lot of relaxed muscle.  You’re not dumb, you just have a lot to learn, and of course that person is not ugly they just have a unique beauty.  I can go on for days with this but while we are joking we are serious at the same time. You have to train your mind to work this way, and once you do, it seems that the world just opens up to you. Decisions become much easier to make, and the result is no longer something to obsess over, because you know that whatever it is, it’s supposed to be, and you will make it work.  
Stay Indigo!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

We are not alone

Hey Indigo's,
                   For years now scientist have been studying the phenomenon of other dimensions and how we can use and/or experience them.  Many people still resist the idea of anything existing in the universe other than us but I get the feeling that it won't be too long before the world will be witness to proof that there are other dimensions that have other life forms that not only co-exist with us now but have been for as long as we can go back in history to research. In fact much of the new technology that we enjoy today is said to be technology given to the government by these extra dimensional beings. Did you know that fiber optics was actually in existence in in the early 1900's. The government was working with it long before we as the public were told that it was discovered. Legend has it that this technology was given to us by extra dimensional beings that we were in contact with. Now of course I was not there to say what happened either way but, just think about all that confusion about our landing on the moon for the first time. Did it happen didn't it happen, who knows Louis Armstrong seemed to have a story he wanted to tell but it never happened. I'm saying this to say that things aren't always as they seem. I'm not saying whether thats good or bad, but it just is. You will be amazed how rewarding it is to do your own research on certain topics and not just accept what is spoon fed to us. I call it closing both eyes and leaving one open. You know, kind of reading between the lines. You will learn much more by not only listening to what people say but paying attension t what they don't say.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mid Week Mix

            A big part of being an Indigo is doing whatever you do on the highest level possible. Eminem, no matter how controversial he has been in the past, is one of the greatest minds in all of Hip Hop.  He pulls from his own experiences and I think that's why he has has so many that love him and hate him.  I also think that is why he he is the greatest. He tells his truth no matter how pretty or ugly it is.  And people respect that or they hate it. I respect and love it. If he could look at himself no matter what it is and say here I am, then anyone can and everyone should. Because like he says in this song don't let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful, because you are.

Stay Indigo!!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  I learned something long ago that might have cut my stress almost in half. Have you ever had a friend, co-worker, or even family member who all of a sudden seemed to fall out of your life. That used to bother me to no end, leaving me wondering if it was something I did.  But instead of pointing all of the blame to my self I should have realized that this happens to everyone.  Like everything else in the universe people have a certain vibration or frequency that we function on. When we hit it off with someone and become very close with them, that's because in some way we are on the same frequency as them and can relate easily.  Kind of like when you are listening to the radio, (analog of course as I show my age) and sometimes you might be a spot that just doesn't get good reception. So we would move the antenna around, lift on leg in the air, and try to anything we could to get better reception to hear it better. Well that's what people often do, we break our own rules of engagement, overlook things that should be addressed. We do whatever we have to do just to try to fit a square peg in a round hole.  But the reality is that people change constantly as they must because anything that is not changing is dead.  And while we do have control of how our frequency changes most people just wait for an outside source to come along and change them. Unfortunately if your not careful what will change you will be the experience of being a doormat for people in life who are go getters and manipulators.  So when someone just falls out of your life without a trace don't blame them, don't get upset, and definitely don't say that you are not the one who changed. Because if you are still alive chances are you did change, and that's OK.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's Light

"There is only one way to learn, It's through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                  This is what we are all about, creating our own reality. We are only limited by the restraints we put on ourselves, or the ones we allow others to put on us.
Stay Indigo!!!!!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                   One thing I've struggled with for most of my life is the concept of "Good and Bad".  As a child we are taught what is good and what is bad but as we get older those lines some how start to blur in a strange way. We concentrate on not making mistakes so much that we forget that mistakes are a large part of a learning process.  For example we are told as a child not to touch the stove because it is hot, but of course most of us touch it anyway. Was it wrong not to listen to our parents, I guess so, but did we learn something when we were burned?....Yes. Not listening to that command taught us a very important lesson, "The stove is hot". That was a lesson that we most likely will remember for the rest of our lives, and I can't really find the negative in that, unless of course the burn was life threatening or something.  Now, as I go through life I realize that people will do things that I just don't like. And I don't have to like it, but because I know that it is a part of the other persons learning process it takes the sting out of what ever was done. In other words when someone pisses me off I just try to remember that they are going through their process and I don't have to let it ruin my day. It might not even be about me so it's best to just back up get away and let them "Go through their process". This way we don't have to be burned by the hot stove that they touched.

Stay Indigo!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today's Light

"To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach."
Havelock Ellis

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
Sometimes it seems like as an Indigo people will work against us, and say we are going agianst the grain. It's important to keep going and know that we are stronger than others will ever understand.  NOTHING WILL BREAK OUR STRIDE!

Stay Indigo!!!!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today's Light

"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Diary Of An Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  Ever since my awakening I have noticed how connected we all are to the universe and everything in it. We are all energy and wave lengths, therefore we are effected by the energy field of the people we have around us.  I just recently had a situation where someone who I considered a friend was attaching me to a situation he was in, that I didn't agree with.  Since he's a grown man I couldn't tell him what to do, but I did notice that my energy was thrown off and changed because of this.  I noticed that something was different about me and I found myself having to cleanse mentally/Spiritually after talking to him or even thinking about the situation. It was like I had to reset, to get back to the inner peace I have achieved every time I dealt with him. He'snot a bad person but the truth of the matter is that what he is doing is effecting me and I had to find a way to deal with if.  It's a beautiful thing when you become in tune with the universe but it is still a big responsibility. I'm still working through how to remain friends with him without judging him or completely dropping him as a friend, but I am glad I was able to see what was happening so I could deal with it. But the fact remains, that our energy is who we are, and we must protect it al all cost, because remember our vibration determines our reality and that is our responsibility.

Stay Indigo!!!!!


Friday, July 29, 2011

UCC and our Soul

Hey Indigo's,
                    I've been studying the UCC and how it impacts our lives for years. I haven't really gone into it to much because I feel that there is so much a person should learn about themselves before they delve into something like the UCC.  I say this because it can become what seems to be very abstract, when in reality, it is the truth that we haven't been taught.  The reason I wanted to bring this up today is because it's funny to me what other people and entities will validate a "Theory" without even realizing it.  The UCC states that we as living and breathing "Souls", actually have the choice as to whether we want to deal with government organizations or not.  In other words a fictitious entity like the IRS really can't interact with us as living and breathing "Souls" because we are by nature sovereign. That's right we are actually free spirits as they say.  That's why this "Straw man"(Your name in All Caps) was invented.  So they deal with this fictitious entity and trick us into acting as if we were responsible for this "Straw man" Now I won't go too far into this because I can go on for days on this one topic alone, but I just wanted to get some people thinking about this to open you up to the severity of our actual situation as it is now.  If we were only the flesh and blood beings some believe us to be, then they would have no need for the Straw Man.
Stay Indigo!!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today's Light

"The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have."
Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                I know we've played this song before but when you listen to or watch certain things during different points of your understanding of them they often take on a different meaning to you. Now I understand that when Cee Lo speaks of that moment of him loosing his mind being being so special.  It was special because it was that moment of freedom when his mind was freed from the jail it had been in, that was limiting his understanding of the universe.  I Love It!!

Stay Indigo!!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Diary Of An Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  Just the other day my 9 year old daughter taught me something that I knew already but for some reason she was able to make it resonate with me in a way it never did before.  She was talking to my 5 year old son and explaining to him where apples come from.(Because they were eating apples)  I like to let the kids teach each other when I can because they have such open minds that they explain things to each other in a special way that is not only interesting to me, but is very effective for them.  She was explaining to him that when the seed is planted a tree grows, that sprouts buds, and after these buds sprout the apple starts to grow.  And I was thinking "Ok, that was good enough." But my 5 year old had another question, he asked"Why does the flower/Bud have to die" now when I first heard this I thought "well he obviously didn't get it." but my daughter quickly had an answer for him because she knew what he was really asking. She explained to him that the flower had to die because the apple had to grow.  At that moment their whole conversation hit me like a ton of bricks. We are the flowers, and the apples. We have to die as flowers so we can become apples.  Or in less abstract terms, we have to allow part of ourselves die, so we can live to be what we are destined to be, or so our true essence can thrive.  I guess I should listen to my kids more often, and instead of trying to get them to learn how I want to teach I should understand how they learn. Both of them taught me something that day.

Stay Indigo!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

See You in The 11th Dimension.

    Hey Indigo's,           
            The topic of other dimensions has always been an area of interest to me.  Over the years science has not only accepted that these other dimensions exist but studies have been done to prove it.  That is a long way from the past when people would say that the idea of another dimension was something for a science fiction movie. Through experimentation with substances such as DMT which is a substance that occurs naturally in our bodies, we have even been able to go to these dimensions and make contact with the beings that are there.  How exciting is it that when we sleep our bodies produce this DMT which is comparable to LSD but stronger and that is what allows us to dream, and experience these other dimensions. To some, this might sound crazy but I've been studying it long enough and had enough personal experiences to be convinced. Whether we choose to believe it or not it is happening.  It just opens us up to the possibilities that this universe offers and they are limitless. If that doesn't excite you, please check your pulse. See you guys in the 11th. LOL

Stay Indigo!!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mid Week mix

Hey Indigo's,
                   Super Nova, I've always thought this was a great song. We all need to find our super nova and live our life to the fullest. The funny thing is, the only way we can find this super nova is to be it first, because as we all know, the things we are looking for are already in us.

Stay Indigo!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey Family,
It's important that we remember when searching for answers in the universe that we look within, because it's that part of the universe you will find the answers.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Diary Of An Indigo

Hey Indigo Family,
                           The fact that thoughts are physical has really been a large factor in my life, now more than ever.  Lately there have been several things on my mind that have manifested themselves in a matter of days.  I just recently read an explanation on how these thoughts being physical has affected us.  Put simply anything that is physical has a gravitational pull on it. No matter how big or small. A grain of sand has a gravitational pull on it just as a large rock would.  Well, thoughts are just as physical as those objects and therefore have their own type of gravitational pull.  Just as the Guru said in the video, if thoughts weren’t physical then they could not be measured.  The way it works is, if you have an intense desire to accomplish something then those thoughts being physical in the universe are pulling whatever you desire closer to you, the only thing that is needed is elbow grease (Effort) and a continued thought process that started the pull in the first place. However, we have to be careful, because even those negative thoughts that we sometimes don’t realize we are having pull in a physical manifestation of that negative thought.  So just like we nurture our young and loved ones we must nurture and protect our thoughts as they grow up to become a physical manifestation of what we are focused on the most. So will your thoughts grow up to be dysfunctional or productive and great?

Stay Indigo!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

As Above, So Below

Hey Indigo’s,
The art of transforming spiritual energy lies in being aligned. We have heard this so many times but does everyone really understand the concept or is it just something cute to say for many?  If your one of those people who really understands what is being said, then you understand the power in that statement. After all, we are talking about dealing with the great powers of the universe. The great energy of the Cosmos is essentially all. When we speak of the universe and our existence in it we must consider the many different dimensions that exist along with it. Well, it’s the alignment of these dimensions that we seek. Trying to get in line with our higher selves is something that we as Indigo’s aspire to do on a daily basis.  It is the human part of us that sometimes gets in the way and clouds our vision. However, if we successfully align with our higher selves it becomes easier to overcome the obstacles (envy, greed, etc.) that sometimes slow us down. The term “As Above, So Below” explains what we must do in order to accomplish our goal. We must align with our higher selves and allow that energy to transfer to our human selves and then we will be able to accomplish things that we thought we never could.  This is why meditation is such a powerful tool.  Through meditation, and the focus of the energy of the cosmos we can accomplish anything. Just take the energy from your higher self “Above” and bring it to your human body “Below”, which is what we have daily control of.
Stay Indigo!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today's Light

"I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer."
Jim Carrey

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                    Born to be alive. I love this song.We really are born to live and fulfill a purpose. For every person that purpose is slightly different, but no matter what that purpose is, that is what being alive is to them.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Diary of an Indigo

Hey Indigo’s,
I didn’t get a chance to do my “Diary of an Indigo” yesterday so figured I would do my entry today. There have been some serious changes in my awakening process. It seems that whatever I feel, I’m feeling harder than ever before. I just came through a situation that I didn’t even know bothered me so much until days later.  It wasn’t even anything major. I just ended up around people I guess I shouldn’t have been around. I guess it was a situation where I felt like I was further along in my life spiritually and mentally than my physical location.  For about 2 days, I had this nagging feeling that I couldn’t put my finger on, to identify what it was or where it was coming from. All I knew was, it felt horrible. It was almost like an evil energy had worked its way into my body somehow and my spiritual immune system was trying to fight it off. Meanwhile, I personally was just feeling mentally sick. It’s a weird thing when you feel so bad but when you try to find out what the problem is you can’t even imagine what it could be but the feeling is strong and seems like it is going nowhere. What ended up happening was I called my good friend who is spiritually evolved to a level that I one day hope to reach. What he basically told me was that I needed to cleanse through meditation or repeating a positive Mantra.  The funny thing was that I felt better right away, just by being reminded that I had the power to rid myself of it.  I did follow the steps he gave anyway and now I’m long past those emotions but it was proof that I’m becoming more receptive to the universe and my place in it. So I’m glad it happened. So if something like that happens to you, remember this, call someone, meditate, anything but do something to keep moving through the emotion and leave it behind.

Stay Indigo!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

To Fear God or Not to Fear God. That's the question.

Hey Indigo's,
                   Fear God? That is something that has always confused me. I have heard it all my life and until I reached adulthood, I never questioned it. I understand that everyone has the right to believe what they want and I respect that. But my question is "If there are only 2 emotions in the Universe LOVE and HATE why am I being  pushed to fear God?"  I love God and there is no fear involved with that.  This PSA that I posted is not something that I would want to show someone who I'm trying to bring closer to God. I enjoy fear in a good horror flick or a scary roller coaster. But other than that I try to stay away from things that will scare me. LOL I do understand the explanation behind the phrase Fear God, but I can't absorb it for some reason. Fear is a tool of man The Creator/God/Universe is all love to me and that is all that is needed to spread more love to me. I'm not writing this to argue who is right or wrong, because if you are familiar with this Blog you know that Indigo's come in all faiths but I am against trying to push fear on anyone for any reason. If someones love for God some how leads them to fear then so be it. But I just want those out there who have questions about that to know they aren't the only ones. Don't let anyone make you question you beliefs because you don't fear something.
Stay Indigo!!!!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
John Lennon was the perfect example of how a powerful Indigo could change the world. But we have to protect each other because there are those out there who don't want us to achieve our true potential.

Stay Indigo!!!!!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Team Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  We have been talking about the universe and how we exist or create it in our lives but I want to make sure we keep in mind that our subconscious plays a huge role in it. It is almost everything.  Our subconscious is always in action, and it actually controls us. How many times have you wanted something but when it didn't happen you realize that part of you was fearful for some reason of success. Well, it was that fear in your subconscious that blocked the success. You were saying that you wanted it but something in you for some reason allowed the fear to be stronger than the desire.  That is not unusual though. Most people struggle with that. But the ones who get over it are the ones who not only convince themselves that they are what they want but they convince the Universe and that is when things start to come together and materialize. We as Indigo's not only have the responsibility of doing this to accomplish our purpose in life, but we are to be an example to others who haven't been strong enough on their own to do the same. We are true beacons of light. I personally believe that it is important that we come together and support each other because so much of the world is against us. Maybe not with the intention of destroying us but their actions could do that if we are not careful. Remember, most people are raised to learn what we can't do. But as we awakened, we learned what we can do. So lets do it.

Stay Indigo!!!!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Indigo Swagg

Hey Indigo's
This man exemplifies Indigo Swagg. He is living proof that our powerful light has nothing to do with physical prowess but our energy that comes from within. He is a true Superstar.


Todays Light

Hey, Indigo's
                    "Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed"
Corita Kent

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today's Light

Hey Indigo's
"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do."
Henry Ford

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                  This song seems like one of our theme songs, because it's like we as Indigo's go through our lives looking for enlightened people like ourselves. But look no more now we found each other.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Experience the now

Hey Indigo Family,
                           I had a very good friend tell me something the other day, that while I've heard before and even might have even said myself  it struck me on a deeper level than ever before.  During a conversation he told me to experience every part of my life to the fullest.  Not taking any of it for granted.  When your  just standing in line at the store, experience standing there and appreciate it for the moment it is.  Every moment in our lives has such profound meaning and it is important to learn to be in the moment, and allow it to speak to you, as the universe often does, to guide us in the direction we are to go.  It was a reminder to me that life is so simple.  The difficulty comes in when we over analyze it.  Even us Indigo's do this sometimes, while trying to simplify life we come up with a complex plan or theory that confuses everyone,  including ourselves. LOL But like I said, I have heard this plenty of times before as I'm sure many of you have, but for some reason it hit me in a different way when said that way. I love the idea of letting every moment speak to you, because when you master that every move you make becomes automatic and the repercussions of those actions are easy to accept because you know you did the right thing. Remember doing the "right thing" doesn't always mean that the result is going to be a bed of roses. Often times doing the right thing means doing what others don't want to do including yourself but you just have the discipline to do it unlike most people. If you do this you will find yourself saying "I had a feeling that was going to happen" less often because you will  have learned the flow of the universe and acted accordingly.

Stay Indigo!!!!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today's Light

Hey Indigo's,
                   “We should always remember to love people and use things, not love things and use people.” 


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,

This song should be our anthem. The wards are clear, we are shining stars and we have to shine as bright as we can to give others the courage to do the same.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today's Light

Hey Indigo's,
                   "What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson    

Monday, June 20, 2011

Diary of an Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
            As you all can tell Indigo Swagg is not only my passion but has become  my life's work.  Not too long ago I was forced into a situation where I could no longer do what I was doing to earn a living. Of course at first it was kind of scary not knowing what I was to do from that point on but, as always the creator put me in the right place at the right time.  I heard someone talking about how people would come up to him and ask how they could find out what their purpose in life was.  In other words how is it that some people know what they are supposed to be doing in life.  Right away, I expected to hear this drawn out explanation as an answer but he offered the most simple yet effective advise possible.  "Whatever you are passionate about, is your purpose in life. Whether you love it or hate it, that's what you are supposed to be doing.  If it bothers you to no end, how poor the elderly are treated in senior living facilities then get involved. Start your own, or start an organization who's goal is to monitor and/or correct these situations.  If you love clothes then go into fashion.  I don't mean to make it sound so simple, but it is after you give it some thought.  If you do this, the question is not what to do but how you want to do it.(Which is a much easier problem to solve) Can you imagine how pleasant life would be for everyone if people would just do what they love. No more going into a store and the employees being upset with you for interrupting their unauthorized gossip sessions. LOL  It's so much easier to work hard at something you love.  My passion happened to be letting people know that we all have a powerful light within us, that not only we deserve to benefit from, but the world deserves to experience. After awakening, and finding out how the universe really works, it has become my pleasure to help people steer away from the pitfalls of mediocrity.  We are born into a world that from day one tells us what we can not do and if that is not a mental prison I don't know what is.  But I'm here to say that once you get out of that box the universe opens up to you, and things that used to be obstacles become mere entertainment. I'm here to tell you what you CAN do  This is what Indigo Swagg is about "A lifestyle that keeps us from being imprisoned by our five senses, and the ability and dedication to ascend to a higher vibration." Both, to inspire others as well as making ourselves better everyday. 

Stay Indigo!!!!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Extra DNA Strands

Happy Friday Indigo's,

                      One of the most amazing aspects of being an Indigo is the fact that we are said to have extra DNA.(That just sounds cool, doesn't it?) It is said that, it is this "Extra DNA" that makes us that much more special.  This is what gives us  the incredible power to do things like heal ourselves or have such a powerful intuition that it seems like we may be able to read minds. Among other unbelievable things that we hear happen but we write them off as lies or freak accidents. When in fact we all have the ability to convert this "Junk DNA" or non-coded DNA to be used as what ever we decide to use it as to improve or repair our bodily structure.  Some people say, that it is how we have been able to evolve, and keep us from going extinct.   It is true that, if this DNA is not used then yes it is junk.  But as you may have read in some of our older posts, it has been proven that the mind can change aspects of our make up through meditation and mind set. So why then do some scientist call this "extra" DNA junk?  Well, your guess is as good as mine, but I can tell you one thing, and that is "I don'y believe The Creator makes junk and If gnats have a purpose then I would like to think the the substance that we are made up of has purpose also". This "Junk" or non coded DNA is just dormant until we activate them.  Hence the awakening process.  The only tricky part is, if your not careful these non coded strands can work against you if you remain in a poor mindset through sickness or a poor physical existence that may seem to some to be bad luck or a curse.  As Indigo's we have been blessed with the knowledge to convert these strands to live incredible lives that inspire others and release positive energy everywhere we go through our happiness. But remember "With much power, comes much responsibility".

Stay Indigo!!!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Todays Light

Why does the mind habitually deny or resist the Now? Because it cannot function and remain in control without time, which is past and future, so it perceives the timeless Now as threatening. Time and mind are in fact inseparable.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,

This song can be taken so many ways, literal or metaphysical. Most Indigo's take it as getting back to innocence and staying there. When we were young we knew anything was possible until the world convinced us different. We say youth is wasted on the young but if your not careful wisdom can be wasted on adults. Enjoy the song everyone and see you next time.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today's Light

"We all have the ability to heal ourselves through the creator; I know, I have done so... 
In the morning, know that you are Loved, You Are Love and You Love"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hello Indigos,
                   Something that has been on my mind lately is the whole ordeal of kind of being punished or even the threat of being punished for being different.  Something that was meant to be a gift has been labeled as being bad and now most people don't any part of it as a result. It's almost as if people would rather be anything but different.  If you don't believe me, the next opportunity you get tell the people closest to you that you are changing your religion to anything but what you are.  And watch them scatter. You would think you just admitted to going crazy.  Coming from someone who has studied many religions I can tell you that the look you get from people when they see you reading a book on a religion that they have not accepted as being truth is priceless.  As if they have already checked with the council and you are wasting your time, because the "Truth " can only be found in one book, on certain pages. LOL  I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as bad/evil  information. I think information is light and light can be received in many different ways.  I will never accept someone telling me that there is one name or group that encompasses  and describes my thought process in one word. Maybe I don't believe it's necessarily possible  to take God and put him in a box so we can to easily present him to the world as being 1 and only 1 way, that everyone will agree on.  REALLY?  We are trying to break down the most Awesome entity in the universe? Why? Is Love not enough? If our intentions were consumed with love, shouldn't that be good enough? Or, are there other intentions being factored in here? So the next time you find yourself outside the box with others pointing fingers, think of the intentions in what you are doing and if it's aligned with love, tell them they may want to join you outside the box sometime, and move on. Then ask what their intentions were in pointing you out. I guess what I'm saying is "Don't allow others to force you to put a label on yourself. "You just are", and that is good enough for anyone.

Stay Indigo!!!!!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

We Are One

Hey Indigos,
                 At the end of the day, Indigo Swagg as well as life is really all about one Consciousness.  One of the purest concepts yet one of the most misunderstood.  It wasn't until my awakening that I realized this, but once I did it became my life's work to get others to at least open their minds to hear this information.  I was thinking one day and a question popped into my head and it was, "Am I an extra in someone else's dream, or is everyone else an extra in my dream." Of course the answer is both but when you put it in terms of an actual dream it can really mess with your head. But when you see it as a multi dimensional universe that has multiple realities woven into it you see how beautiful it really is.  Even when something horrible happens like 911, we saw so many people join together no matter the race, age or economic status, and we stood together.  We cried together, and were proud together when the initial attack was over and we began to rebuild.  During that time we were as close to truly being one consciousness as ever. Out of something so horrible came moments of oneness and love.  You didn't have to loose someone directly related to you that day to be effected because we were all effected.  We have to make sure not to allow anything to further separate us or drive us further away from our destination which is and always will be LOVE. As you all know love is a powerful thing and really can conquer all. I speak of that from personal experience that I will soon do a blog on and share with all of you.  Please remember that we are the protectors of the earth and I mean that seriously.  I say it all the time but I know I cant say it enough.  Others dream while we do.  It's up to us to show others that anything can be accomplished with the right mindset.  If you are reading this blog you are one of those people who have been blessed with the ability to overcome the prison of the 5 senses and rise to the level of an "Indigo".  Everyone might get the call but only a few will answer. I guess we are the Marines of the spiritual world.

Stay Indigo!!!!!  


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Todays Light

All the things that truly matter — beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace — arise from beyond the mind.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigos,

I don't know what I love more this song or video.  Cee Lo is speaking on the topic of reincarnation if you notice, and the fact that as energy, we just transfer from time time what changes is the body that houses that energy.
Stay Indigo!!!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Diary of an Indigo

Hey Indigos,
                  As some of you already know and others of you are learning Monday's are dedicated to Diary of an Indigo which are the days that personal experiences are brought to light and I try to explain what I learned or got from them.  This Monday however for some reason I had tons of things to write about but none of them seemed to sit right with me because they felt out of place or untimely.  Then out of the blue, (Blue/Indigo get it?) I was made aware of two people on Facebook who seemed to be hitting a rough spot. Not only that, but both people happened to be very positive entities.  The ones who most people tend to rely on for reenforcement through out the week.  Instantly I felt bad because all this time I forgot that they are people too.  I mean, I knew they were people but they live with the same troubles the rest of us do, the difference is that they have exercised their ability to change the energy around them so they aren't effected as much as most people.  One of these people is a member of Indigo Nation, something that I hold near and dear to my heart because it does good for so many.  Indigo Nation is a place of refuge.  Somewhere a person can go to have their spirit filled with light and put their troubles on the table for others to help sort out.  So I have to bring to light something I have noticed over the past months as my awakening process has become more intense.  Just because we as Indigos have decided to live on a higher vibration, does not exclude us from the troubles of others that have decided to remain on the lower vibrations.  Although I wish it were the case, that just doesn't happen. In fact I tend to believe that since energy can't be destroyed that some of the negative energy that overflows in the universe will come our way at times because we are the ones who can handle it.  And the stronger you are the more negative energy you will be responsible for converting into something that the rest of the world can't handle.  Now that might not make a person feel better during the time of trouble but I believe it to be true and have to remember to thank all of those powerful Indigos for the great job you do at.......well we will call it energy conversion. As you go through what it is that is challenging you remember that you have been chosen to take this on by the universe because you know what to do with it.  So get it done and then use that experience to help others who would have been destroyed by what you handled. Please lets all meditate/pray that we all stay strong for each other and the world, after all we are the protectors in a way and we have to stay strong for each other as we are the spiritual warriors who fight the fight.  Thank you all.

Stay Indigo!!!!!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Religion VS Spirituality

Happy Friday Indigos,
                   Since the beginning of time people have been looking for something. No one is really 100% sure what, but we know there is something out there worth seeking that is bigger than all of us put together.  Why is it then that there has been this argument between people who are "Religious" and others who are "Spiritual".  Both groups are looking for the same thing, but have chosen different vehicles. Both should also operate based on love.  Most of all, both operate on FAITH. Yes faith, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So who cares what vehicle a person has chosen, it's the destination that is important. Whether you take a cab or a Limo to the dance, it doesn't matter once you get there it's about having fun. Or should people who drive Honda's not speak to people who drive Toyota's, sounds silly right, well thats because it is. I don't believe God made any one belief system, man did. Then man simplified them to be easily digested by others. Once that happened another man had to make another one that was even better. Then it became a contest about who was right.  Does this sound familiar, "All others who do not worship like we do will perish in hell. There is only one path to righteousness all others lead down a road to a fiery pit."  I just can't believe that God is an entity that operates in a dimension that we could possibly understand.  The creator created all so it doesn't seem reasonable that there is only one way.  A good person with love in their heart is just that. It doesn't matter if that person is Christian, Jewish Muslim or anything else.  Don't get me wrong I don't see anything wrong with living a life guided by religious law, as long as it is one of Love.  But that being said let others do what is best for them. I once say in a movie a Christian father said "If Allah, can make my son a better man than Jesus can, then so be it." What he was saying was, what mattered was that his son's soul was saved he didn't care who did it.  By the way Allah and God mean the same thing in different languages, so what is the fighting about now.  I would think that if the Creator wants us to Love each other and live a certain way that he/she would let us follow what ever story we had to to get where we needed to be.  I personally believe that the jealous God theory comes when man allows ego to rear its ugly head. But I still respect and understand that belief.  We could all learn from each other, and when you decide to start doing that, a whole new world opens up to you.

Stay Indigo!!!!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mid-Week Mix

Hey Indigos,
                  I have found that Enigma is a great CD to play when things get to be too much for you in daily life. Even if things aren't crazy around you and you just want to relax, it's a great tool. I say tool because the music is relaxing and the message within the music is positive. You will find that, if you are a little more cognizant of the energy that is around you at all times, it helps a great deal in the long run as well as creates a desirable now.  So don't rely on the people or things around you to keep you in a good place, create it for yourself, at all times.  The song you are listening to is names "Return To Innocence" for a reason.

Stay Indigo!!!!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Todays Light

The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day according to the teachings, confident that God loves his children. Each day, in itself, brings with it an eternity.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Who or What Controls us?

Hey Indigos,
                   Today I wanted to speak on the topic of "Keeping it real " or "Keeping it true" or "Being true to your self" , well  you know what I  I have always heard people talk about being true to them selves but it didn't occur to me that most people probably don't even know what it means to stay true to themselves until my awakening process began.  Think of it this way, people in general only use about 5-10 % of their conscious mind to engage in daily activity. The other 90-95% is controlled by the sub-conscious.  This means that before you even wake up in the morning 90-95 % of what your going to do during the day and how your going to react to certain things are programed into your subconscious before you even do it.  Our minds are like tape recorders in a way, that just absorb information constantly and program our minds without us even thinking about it.  All of those actions and responses that come second nature to you, do so because everything you see and hear is involved in this process from the time you are born.  Now, that being said,when you are keeping it true who are you keeping it true too.  After all 95% of what you are programmed with comes from areas of your life that you didn't necessarily hand pick.  If you don't believe me that your mind is like a big tape recorder, think about the las time you thought you didn't hear what someone said to you.  You ask them what they said and before they can answer you, you replay it in your head and answer for them. You though you didn't hear them but your mind picked them up loud and clear.  Just like that example, you learn things about yourself from outside stimuli without even realizing it.  So who really defines you.  If you didn't have anything else to compare to,what would you think about yourself.  Who defines what is good or bad?  And again "Who are you keeping it real with or to."  We all have to take some time to separate ourselves from ourselves, and everyone else, to see what we are really like, who we really are. As apposed to who we are told we are.  Most people will never do this, but thats why we are Indigos, we do what others won't, so we can figure out the things they can't.  That doesn't make us better, but it does make us who we are, and thats light givers.

Stay Indigo!!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigos,
                   This song really brings back memories, and if you listen to the words it's all about creating your own reality. This has been around us for so long but if you are not in the right mindset you will miss it.  Thats why I love the arts, you can express what seems  to be one thought, and reach so many people, on so many different levels.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Todays Light

Hey Indigos,

There is nothing enlightened about making yourself appear smaller just to avoid making others around you feel inadequate.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigos,
                  I was talking to a good friend of mine whose opinion I respect very much. He confided in me that he had an opportunity that was basically a dream come true.  Sounds great right? The only issue was that this new opportunity for some reason had him a little nervous.  So much that he didn't know if he was going to take it.  Now to him it really isin't a big deal because in the eyes of most people he is already successful and doesn't necessarily need the opportunity but it would have been nice.  The cool part was that he actually said I helped him out in the conversation and he has no idea that he is the one who helped me.  I happened to be goind through the same type of situation but I didn't talk to anyone about it because it was one of those situations where you feel like you are the only one.  For me to see that even someone with his level of success goes through the same thing taught me that it's not fearlessness that should be rewarded it is the ability to work through the fear that should.  On the other hand I learned that everything we do effects the universe.  I say that this because a situation that meant so little to him was a major break through for me, and a simple honest opinion from me helped him work through something that he might not have given much thought to.  I guess thats where the butterfly effect comes from.  So this is why I say always keep the big picture in mind the greater good should always be worked into every decision that we make.  Because if we do that, then we avoid situations of subconscious selfishness. When I say that I mean we are all one consciousness and knowing that, you have to keep in mind that every situation and feeling you have if not just yours but a small part of a whole that is called "The Universe". So don't take anything for granted and allow yourself to play your role without getting in your own way.  It will do wonders for you and everyone else.  By the way he is going to take the opportunity.

Stay Indigo!!!