Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Todays Light

The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day according to the teachings, confident that God loves his children. Each day, in itself, brings with it an eternity.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Who or What Controls us?

Hey Indigos,
                   Today I wanted to speak on the topic of "Keeping it real " or "Keeping it true" or "Being true to your self" , well  you know what I mean.lol  I have always heard people talk about being true to them selves but it didn't occur to me that most people probably don't even know what it means to stay true to themselves until my awakening process began.  Think of it this way, people in general only use about 5-10 % of their conscious mind to engage in daily activity. The other 90-95% is controlled by the sub-conscious.  This means that before you even wake up in the morning 90-95 % of what your going to do during the day and how your going to react to certain things are programed into your subconscious before you even do it.  Our minds are like tape recorders in a way, that just absorb information constantly and program our minds without us even thinking about it.  All of those actions and responses that come second nature to you, do so because everything you see and hear is involved in this process from the time you are born.  Now, that being said,when you are keeping it true who are you keeping it true too.  After all 95% of what you are programmed with comes from areas of your life that you didn't necessarily hand pick.  If you don't believe me that your mind is like a big tape recorder, think about the las time you thought you didn't hear what someone said to you.  You ask them what they said and before they can answer you, you replay it in your head and answer for them. You though you didn't hear them but your mind picked them up loud and clear.  Just like that example, you learn things about yourself from outside stimuli without even realizing it.  So who really defines you.  If you didn't have anything else to compare to,what would you think about yourself.  Who defines what is good or bad?  And again "Who are you keeping it real with or to."  We all have to take some time to separate ourselves from ourselves, and everyone else, to see what we are really like, who we really are. As apposed to who we are told we are.  Most people will never do this, but thats why we are Indigos, we do what others won't, so we can figure out the things they can't.  That doesn't make us better, but it does make us who we are, and thats light givers.

Stay Indigo!!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigos,
                   This song really brings back memories, and if you listen to the words it's all about creating your own reality. This has been around us for so long but if you are not in the right mindset you will miss it.  Thats why I love the arts, you can express what seems  to be one thought, and reach so many people, on so many different levels.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Todays Light

Hey Indigos,

There is nothing enlightened about making yourself appear smaller just to avoid making others around you feel inadequate.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Diary Of an Indigo

Hey Indigos,
                  I was talking to a good friend of mine whose opinion I respect very much. He confided in me that he had an opportunity that was basically a dream come true.  Sounds great right? The only issue was that this new opportunity for some reason had him a little nervous.  So much that he didn't know if he was going to take it.  Now to him it really isin't a big deal because in the eyes of most people he is already successful and doesn't necessarily need the opportunity but it would have been nice.  The cool part was that he actually said I helped him out in the conversation and he has no idea that he is the one who helped me.  I happened to be goind through the same type of situation but I didn't talk to anyone about it because it was one of those situations where you feel like you are the only one.  For me to see that even someone with his level of success goes through the same thing taught me that it's not fearlessness that should be rewarded it is the ability to work through the fear that should.  On the other hand I learned that everything we do effects the universe.  I say that this because a situation that meant so little to him was a major break through for me, and a simple honest opinion from me helped him work through something that he might not have given much thought to.  I guess thats where the butterfly effect comes from.  So this is why I say always keep the big picture in mind the greater good should always be worked into every decision that we make.  Because if we do that, then we avoid situations of subconscious selfishness. When I say that I mean we are all one consciousness and knowing that, you have to keep in mind that every situation and feeling you have if not just yours but a small part of a whole that is called "The Universe". So don't take anything for granted and allow yourself to play your role without getting in your own way.  It will do wonders for you and everyone else.  By the way he is going to take the opportunity.

Stay Indigo!!!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Life is an illusion Consciousness is real

Hey Everyone,

                  Since I've come to the realization that there is one consciousness, life has changed for me in ways that I can't even   explain.  The idea of one love and one consciousness is a concept that is awesome in its self.  We are all here on earth together and everything we do, effects others as well as ourselves.  Now take into consideration that we in a sense create our own reality. All of our thoughts are part of the reality that we are creating for ourselves and therefore, becomes a part of everyone else's reality.  We might decide to remove ourselves from other peoples lives for one reason or another but we could never remove ourselves from another persons universe.  Now that might sound extreme but what I'm saying is, no matter what, we are all here together weaving our own respective realities that tie into others realities.  So where does one start and another end?  If you put a drop of water in the ocean where does that drop begin and the ocean end?  It doesn't, they are now one, just like people in this world.  Some drops may make a larger ripple effect but at the end of the day all of the drops become part of the same whole.  If you keep this in mind as you go through out your days it will not only remind you of what is important,(The Greater Good) but will keep you grounded and humble.  And since Ego seems to be where most of the worlds troubles stem from, thats plenty to be said.  I mean if people could get their Ego under control we would all experience a much deeper and more meaningful life.  Remember we are all energy and like it or not we are effected by each others energy, so lets take control of what we can, and allow love to take over, because if you can only have one consciousness love would be the one to choose.

Stay Indigo!!!       


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Todays Light

The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly — you usually don’t use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigos,

                  These songs are called Gregorian Chants and there are lots of current and 80's songs made over in this style. I find that they are cool to listen to and meditate to also. Enjoy.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Todays Light

Hey Indigos,
                  - Forget about your life situation and pay attention to your life.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Diary of an Indigo

I was thinking recently about Indigos and how many different types there are as well as how many people are Indigos and don't even realize it. There is a technical term for Indigos and there is also a more broad description of them that most people can identify with. The technical description, I have realized through my life experiences fit me like a glove but it didn't really resonate with me until I got to a certain point in my awakening process. This wasn't some magical ceremony that changed my life around in a matter of minutes but a lengthy process that over time enabled me to live life in a more meaningful way and realize that the only thing that really exist is the moment you are in. The past is over and the future is not here yet.  I guess you could say that as life went on I learned to live deeper.  Living should be something that comes as naturally as breathing but that just isn't the case.  Most people by the time they are young kids have their values ingrained in them by mass media and friends and even their parents. 'To do this is cool", "to have that is cool" and so on.  It's almost like we are being led by people who have all the money and toys a person can get and they label that happy, knowing that they are not.  Meanwhile there are many people who might have 1/4 of what those others have acquired and because they have a great sense of self and love they are in absolute bliss.I guess what I am saying is that in life if your not careful you can find yourself living someone else's description of a happy life and not even know what makes you happy.  Well part of being an Indigo is knowing yourself and not caring what others label you or what they think of you.  It seems that the road less traveled is usually the one you should take.  Because simply put, most people are scared of sticking out. Even in a society that supposedly praises variety and individuality we don't want to get too far outside the box.  But thats where true freedom is, and unless you take a chance at being true to yourself you are robbing yourself of your true destiny and robbing the world of your gift to it.

Stay Indigo!!!!  


Friday, May 13, 2011

Quidditch VS Life

Hey Indigos,
I’m not sure how many of you have seen the movie Harry Potter, but in that movie they play a game called Quidditch.  I’ve posted a clip of the game in case you have never seen it.  But it has come to me that Quidditch is a game that directly mirrors life whether we know it or not.  Let me explain, in this game as in life there are different teams and these teams in life will represent different people.  The different teams are trying to accomplish a specific goal, just like in life.  As this is happening, there is a ball of energy that tries to stop both sides from completing their respective goals.  Now there might not be a ball of energy flying around your head knocking you to the ground throughout the day, but everything in our lives deals with energy, and it either works with you or against you.  The cool part of it is that, in our lives we have control of the energy around us. If it’s negative we can change it to positive, but at the same time if it’s negative and we don’t change it, it will remain negative and work against us. In the game of Quidditch  the ball of energy is always against both teams so they have to use the ball of energy’s evil intensions against the other team. Which is really cool for a game but life really is much more simple (thankfully), all we have to do is become positive light beings like we are pre-disposed to be and the rest will take care of itself. Isn’t it funny that you can learn from every single experience that the universe has to offer? All of you have a great day, because anything else is pointless.
Stay Indigo!!!!!  

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Todays Light

Hey Indigos,
                   "You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you." 
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Stay Indigo!!!!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mid-Week Mix

         Hey Indigos,
             This weeks mix kind of speaks for its self. Just listen to the words and feel what he is saying. Everyone has their own experiences with the universe and believe it or not we are all tied in together in some way, after all there is only one consciousness.

Stay Indigo!!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Todays Light

Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is?


Monday, May 9, 2011

Diary of an Indigo

Hey Indigos,
                  For this weeks diary of an Indigo entry I figured I would enter something that came to me a few nights ago. Sometimes out of the blue things will just pop in my head that I may have thought of before but more detail or clarity was needed and it comes to me at the weirdest times.  What I was thinking was that since people are energy and everything around us is pretty much energy, then there is no such thing as being idle or truly neutral. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.  In life, most people are out to survive in some way. Whether it be a job or a business or even a hustle.  That means in order to succeed in what they are trying to do they have to take from somewhere. That includes energy, which means that no energy will be wasted.  So if there is something that you are trying to accomplish then if you don't move actively to rearrange the energy around you for the greater good then someone else will. And it might not be for the greater good. It definitely might not be for the betterment of your situation.  Notice I said the "Greater Good", thats because a person with Indigo Swagg "US" is always thinking of the greater good.  There is such a thing as a "win win" and we tend to find it.  Unfortunately not everyone thinks that way.  There are others out there that only care about their own agenda, and these people have the same rights to the energy that is available to everyone as we do.  So it's our duty to remain active and be that alchemist that constantly changes the universe in a positive way while bettering our own lives. Please don't let anyone convince you that in this life you should sacrifice your well being and not have the best life you can because we all deserve the best and it can be accomplished.  In fact when it is accomplished you then become an inspiration to others to live their best life possible, and as more people do that less people will be stuck in misery and hopelessness. How is that not a "win/win", you can make others happy by being truly happy yourself.  Remember the energy is out there to do what you want, use it for yourself before someone else uses it against you.

Stay Indigo!!!


Diary of an Indigo

Hey Indigos,
                  For this weeks diary of an Indigo entry I figured I would enter something that came to me a few nights ago. Sometimes out of the blue things will just pop in my head that I may have thought of before but more detail or clarity was needed and it comes to me at the weirdest times.  What I was thinking was that since people are energy and everything around us is pretty much energy, then there is no such thing as being idle or truly neutral. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.  In life, most people are out to survive in some way. Whether it be a job or a business or even a hustle.  That means in order to succeed in what they are trying to do they have to take from somewhere. That includes energy, which means that no energy will be wasted.  So if there is something that you are trying to accomplish then if you don't move actively to rearrange the energy around you for the greater good then someone else will. And it might not be for the greater good. It definitely might not be for the betterment of your situation.  Notice I said the "Greater Good", thats because a person with Indigo Swagg "US" is always thinking of the greater good.  There is such a thing as a "win win" and we tend to find it.  Unfortunately not everyone thinks that way.  There are others out there that only care about their own agenda, and these people have the same rights to the energy that is available to everyone as we do.  So it's our duty to remain active and be that alchemist that constantly changes the universe in a positive way while bettering our own lives. Please don't let anyone convince you that in this life you should sacrifice your well being and not have the best life you can because we all deserve the best and it can be accomplished.  In fact when it is accomplished you then become an inspiration to others to live their best life possible, and as more people do that less people will be stuck in misery and hopelessness. How is that not a "win/win", you can make others happy by being truly happy yourself.  Remember the energy is out there to do what you want, use it for yourself before someone else uses it against you.

Stay Indigo!!!


Friday, May 6, 2011

.No Baggage !!!!!

Hey Indigos,
                 Did you know that everyday when you get up over 90% of what you do is programmed into your subconscious.  That would be great news if we were positive, through and through.  I'm not saying that we are negative beings because we are more than that.  But since we were born we have been put in a box and given limits that others place on us for one reason or another.  We were told that we had to be a doctor or a lawyer not both, or that there are just certain limitations we were born with and theres nothing we can do about it.  Even some of our bad experiences stick with us and even if you don't realize it's still on your mind.  So if 90% of our actions are subconscious and our thinking as well as our actions make up our reality, then in order to maximize our existence we have to clean out all of the negative baggage that we carry around without even realizing it. So in a sense we need to be reprogrammed, starting with our subconscious.  Think of how difficult it would be for you if you had to think about breathing every time you took a breath.  Now think about how much easier life would be for you if all the characteristics of a successful person came natural to you just like breathing.  What ever it is that you want, just burn it into your subconscious and your desired life will come to you like breathing.  But the first thing you have to do is clear out all of the negativity that has managed to stick to you over the years. This meditation exercise is a great start.

Stay Indigo!!! 


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Todays Light

Whenever an answer, a solution, or a creative idea is needed, stop thinking for a moment by focusing attention on your inner energy field. … When you resume thinking, it will be fresh and creative.
Stay Indigo!!!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mid-Week Mix

Hey Indigos,

Cee Lo Green is one of the most outside the box artist you will come across.  His success is due to that fact, if he stayed true to that part of himself that was so different from everyone else, I don't think he would be enjoying the success he is now if he didn't do that.  We all have that unique quality that is actually a gift to the world no matter what it is.  Don't bury it, and become like the masses, there are enough of them.  Let your light shine, and you never know what awaits you.

Stay Indigo!!!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Todays Light

- “How” is always more important that “what.” See if you can give much more attention to the doing than to the result that you want to achieve through it.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Esoteric Agenda

Hey Indigo Family,
                  In light of the recent events in the United States I thought it was only appropriate to speak on the killing of Osama Bin-Ladin.  First I have to say that I love this country, respect our president and appreciate all that the brave men and women of our armed services do to keep us safe and "Free".  That being said, I can't ignore the fact that I as an Indigo feel that I have an obligation to humanity to always remain as centered as possible.  That means never getting too high or too low.  The only way to do this is to manage to reflect on the intentions of others around me as well as my own.  That means if I am happy remaining cognizant of the reasons surrounding those emotions. September 11th marks a day that was and will remain to be the anniversary of a horrible act on mankind.  Many people have hurt for years and will hurt for years to come as a result of this act, and I would never try to tell someone how  to deal with their emotions, because I feel this is a private process that everyone must develop within themselves.  Now that I've given my disclaimer lol, Heres the scoop.  Since we are light beings that are comprised of energy, we have to be careful of the emotions that we release into the universe.  There are many factors that are involved in a military action of any kind.  There is no way we could possibly fully understand why there was a 10 year head hunt for a man that was no longer an immediate threat.  DON'T GET ME WRONG.  I understand the emotional aspect of this,  but if you center yourself and take a step back we had thousands of people dancing in the streets because we killed a man.  A symbolic victory yes, but what did we really win.  We have to realize that the further we spiral from humanity's origin, the more we separate ourselves from our path to enlightenment.  And dancing in the street because of a killing is not our origin.  We are beings of love and I would love to see a day when we dance in the streets because of something pleasant.  When was the last time we did that.  There is an esoteric agenda within politics, and every other sector of society that we have to be mindful of at all times.  The day we just react to outside stimuli without control we are doomed, and the one part of us that is truly free is put in shackles. Because physically we can be effected by others but mentally emotionally and spiritually, we have 100% control.  We choose how to react to situations even if we don't have control of the situation itself. The best way to maintain control is to make sure we remain cognizant of our own intension and the esoteric agenda of others will no longer be encoded, but will be clear to you.  Remember we as Indigos, are the reasonable voice of humanity and our actions and thoughts effect the universe in a big way. Lets change the direction of humanity and get it back on tract because it's going to take more than a 5 sensory being to do this job.  And since most people are unwilling to see the truth for what it is we have to do it for them.

Stay Indigo!!!!!