Friday, July 29, 2011

UCC and our Soul

Hey Indigo's,
                    I've been studying the UCC and how it impacts our lives for years. I haven't really gone into it to much because I feel that there is so much a person should learn about themselves before they delve into something like the UCC.  I say this because it can become what seems to be very abstract, when in reality, it is the truth that we haven't been taught.  The reason I wanted to bring this up today is because it's funny to me what other people and entities will validate a "Theory" without even realizing it.  The UCC states that we as living and breathing "Souls", actually have the choice as to whether we want to deal with government organizations or not.  In other words a fictitious entity like the IRS really can't interact with us as living and breathing "Souls" because we are by nature sovereign. That's right we are actually free spirits as they say.  That's why this "Straw man"(Your name in All Caps) was invented.  So they deal with this fictitious entity and trick us into acting as if we were responsible for this "Straw man" Now I won't go too far into this because I can go on for days on this one topic alone, but I just wanted to get some people thinking about this to open you up to the severity of our actual situation as it is now.  If we were only the flesh and blood beings some believe us to be, then they would have no need for the Straw Man.
Stay Indigo!!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today's Light

"The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have."
Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                I know we've played this song before but when you listen to or watch certain things during different points of your understanding of them they often take on a different meaning to you. Now I understand that when Cee Lo speaks of that moment of him loosing his mind being being so special.  It was special because it was that moment of freedom when his mind was freed from the jail it had been in, that was limiting his understanding of the universe.  I Love It!!

Stay Indigo!!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Diary Of An Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  Just the other day my 9 year old daughter taught me something that I knew already but for some reason she was able to make it resonate with me in a way it never did before.  She was talking to my 5 year old son and explaining to him where apples come from.(Because they were eating apples)  I like to let the kids teach each other when I can because they have such open minds that they explain things to each other in a special way that is not only interesting to me, but is very effective for them.  She was explaining to him that when the seed is planted a tree grows, that sprouts buds, and after these buds sprout the apple starts to grow.  And I was thinking "Ok, that was good enough." But my 5 year old had another question, he asked"Why does the flower/Bud have to die" now when I first heard this I thought "well he obviously didn't get it." but my daughter quickly had an answer for him because she knew what he was really asking. She explained to him that the flower had to die because the apple had to grow.  At that moment their whole conversation hit me like a ton of bricks. We are the flowers, and the apples. We have to die as flowers so we can become apples.  Or in less abstract terms, we have to allow part of ourselves die, so we can live to be what we are destined to be, or so our true essence can thrive.  I guess I should listen to my kids more often, and instead of trying to get them to learn how I want to teach I should understand how they learn. Both of them taught me something that day.

Stay Indigo!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

See You in The 11th Dimension.

    Hey Indigo's,           
            The topic of other dimensions has always been an area of interest to me.  Over the years science has not only accepted that these other dimensions exist but studies have been done to prove it.  That is a long way from the past when people would say that the idea of another dimension was something for a science fiction movie. Through experimentation with substances such as DMT which is a substance that occurs naturally in our bodies, we have even been able to go to these dimensions and make contact with the beings that are there.  How exciting is it that when we sleep our bodies produce this DMT which is comparable to LSD but stronger and that is what allows us to dream, and experience these other dimensions. To some, this might sound crazy but I've been studying it long enough and had enough personal experiences to be convinced. Whether we choose to believe it or not it is happening.  It just opens us up to the possibilities that this universe offers and they are limitless. If that doesn't excite you, please check your pulse. See you guys in the 11th. LOL

Stay Indigo!!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mid Week mix

Hey Indigo's,
                   Super Nova, I've always thought this was a great song. We all need to find our super nova and live our life to the fullest. The funny thing is, the only way we can find this super nova is to be it first, because as we all know, the things we are looking for are already in us.

Stay Indigo!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey Family,
It's important that we remember when searching for answers in the universe that we look within, because it's that part of the universe you will find the answers.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Diary Of An Indigo

Hey Indigo Family,
                           The fact that thoughts are physical has really been a large factor in my life, now more than ever.  Lately there have been several things on my mind that have manifested themselves in a matter of days.  I just recently read an explanation on how these thoughts being physical has affected us.  Put simply anything that is physical has a gravitational pull on it. No matter how big or small. A grain of sand has a gravitational pull on it just as a large rock would.  Well, thoughts are just as physical as those objects and therefore have their own type of gravitational pull.  Just as the Guru said in the video, if thoughts weren’t physical then they could not be measured.  The way it works is, if you have an intense desire to accomplish something then those thoughts being physical in the universe are pulling whatever you desire closer to you, the only thing that is needed is elbow grease (Effort) and a continued thought process that started the pull in the first place. However, we have to be careful, because even those negative thoughts that we sometimes don’t realize we are having pull in a physical manifestation of that negative thought.  So just like we nurture our young and loved ones we must nurture and protect our thoughts as they grow up to become a physical manifestation of what we are focused on the most. So will your thoughts grow up to be dysfunctional or productive and great?

Stay Indigo!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

As Above, So Below

Hey Indigo’s,
The art of transforming spiritual energy lies in being aligned. We have heard this so many times but does everyone really understand the concept or is it just something cute to say for many?  If your one of those people who really understands what is being said, then you understand the power in that statement. After all, we are talking about dealing with the great powers of the universe. The great energy of the Cosmos is essentially all. When we speak of the universe and our existence in it we must consider the many different dimensions that exist along with it. Well, it’s the alignment of these dimensions that we seek. Trying to get in line with our higher selves is something that we as Indigo’s aspire to do on a daily basis.  It is the human part of us that sometimes gets in the way and clouds our vision. However, if we successfully align with our higher selves it becomes easier to overcome the obstacles (envy, greed, etc.) that sometimes slow us down. The term “As Above, So Below” explains what we must do in order to accomplish our goal. We must align with our higher selves and allow that energy to transfer to our human selves and then we will be able to accomplish things that we thought we never could.  This is why meditation is such a powerful tool.  Through meditation, and the focus of the energy of the cosmos we can accomplish anything. Just take the energy from your higher self “Above” and bring it to your human body “Below”, which is what we have daily control of.
Stay Indigo!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today's Light

"I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer."
Jim Carrey

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
                    Born to be alive. I love this song.We really are born to live and fulfill a purpose. For every person that purpose is slightly different, but no matter what that purpose is, that is what being alive is to them.

Stay Indigo!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Diary of an Indigo

Hey Indigo’s,
I didn’t get a chance to do my “Diary of an Indigo” yesterday so figured I would do my entry today. There have been some serious changes in my awakening process. It seems that whatever I feel, I’m feeling harder than ever before. I just came through a situation that I didn’t even know bothered me so much until days later.  It wasn’t even anything major. I just ended up around people I guess I shouldn’t have been around. I guess it was a situation where I felt like I was further along in my life spiritually and mentally than my physical location.  For about 2 days, I had this nagging feeling that I couldn’t put my finger on, to identify what it was or where it was coming from. All I knew was, it felt horrible. It was almost like an evil energy had worked its way into my body somehow and my spiritual immune system was trying to fight it off. Meanwhile, I personally was just feeling mentally sick. It’s a weird thing when you feel so bad but when you try to find out what the problem is you can’t even imagine what it could be but the feeling is strong and seems like it is going nowhere. What ended up happening was I called my good friend who is spiritually evolved to a level that I one day hope to reach. What he basically told me was that I needed to cleanse through meditation or repeating a positive Mantra.  The funny thing was that I felt better right away, just by being reminded that I had the power to rid myself of it.  I did follow the steps he gave anyway and now I’m long past those emotions but it was proof that I’m becoming more receptive to the universe and my place in it. So I’m glad it happened. So if something like that happens to you, remember this, call someone, meditate, anything but do something to keep moving through the emotion and leave it behind.

Stay Indigo!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

To Fear God or Not to Fear God. That's the question.

Hey Indigo's,
                   Fear God? That is something that has always confused me. I have heard it all my life and until I reached adulthood, I never questioned it. I understand that everyone has the right to believe what they want and I respect that. But my question is "If there are only 2 emotions in the Universe LOVE and HATE why am I being  pushed to fear God?"  I love God and there is no fear involved with that.  This PSA that I posted is not something that I would want to show someone who I'm trying to bring closer to God. I enjoy fear in a good horror flick or a scary roller coaster. But other than that I try to stay away from things that will scare me. LOL I do understand the explanation behind the phrase Fear God, but I can't absorb it for some reason. Fear is a tool of man The Creator/God/Universe is all love to me and that is all that is needed to spread more love to me. I'm not writing this to argue who is right or wrong, because if you are familiar with this Blog you know that Indigo's come in all faiths but I am against trying to push fear on anyone for any reason. If someones love for God some how leads them to fear then so be it. But I just want those out there who have questions about that to know they aren't the only ones. Don't let anyone make you question you beliefs because you don't fear something.
Stay Indigo!!!!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mid Week Mix

Hey Indigo's,
John Lennon was the perfect example of how a powerful Indigo could change the world. But we have to protect each other because there are those out there who don't want us to achieve our true potential.

Stay Indigo!!!!!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Team Indigo

Hey Indigo's,
                  We have been talking about the universe and how we exist or create it in our lives but I want to make sure we keep in mind that our subconscious plays a huge role in it. It is almost everything.  Our subconscious is always in action, and it actually controls us. How many times have you wanted something but when it didn't happen you realize that part of you was fearful for some reason of success. Well, it was that fear in your subconscious that blocked the success. You were saying that you wanted it but something in you for some reason allowed the fear to be stronger than the desire.  That is not unusual though. Most people struggle with that. But the ones who get over it are the ones who not only convince themselves that they are what they want but they convince the Universe and that is when things start to come together and materialize. We as Indigo's not only have the responsibility of doing this to accomplish our purpose in life, but we are to be an example to others who haven't been strong enough on their own to do the same. We are true beacons of light. I personally believe that it is important that we come together and support each other because so much of the world is against us. Maybe not with the intention of destroying us but their actions could do that if we are not careful. Remember, most people are raised to learn what we can't do. But as we awakened, we learned what we can do. So lets do it.

Stay Indigo!!!!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Indigo Swagg

Hey Indigo's
This man exemplifies Indigo Swagg. He is living proof that our powerful light has nothing to do with physical prowess but our energy that comes from within. He is a true Superstar.


Todays Light

Hey, Indigo's
                    "Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed"
Corita Kent